21 Savage wants to be frozen so he can be alive in 2121

21 Savage wants to be frozen so he can be alive in 2121
Jan 3 2023 Share

While some have opted for the standard “get back to the gym” or “start eating healthy” as their New Year’s resolutions, Atlanta-based rapper 21 Savage has his eyes set on a much grander plan.

Hours before ringing in the new year, the London-born Grammy Award-winner took to Twitter to share that he wants to be frozen so he can live to see the year 2121. The 98-year-freezing would allow the Her Loss rapper to live in the year which he coincidentally ad-libs in each and every one of his songs.

Whilst 21 Savage may be joking, cryopreservation is something which modern-day scientists have been looking into for a while, particularly the freezing of human bodies and organs for research.

That being said, if 21 actually made it 2121, he would be 129 years old, 7 years older than the oldest person who ever lived.

For around 50 years after his death, it was also widely rumoured that animation giant Walt Disney was frozen, with various videos & theories debunking the rumour down the line.


1,202 charged with prostitution over 3 years in Marsa

1,202 charged with prostitution over 3 years in Marsa
Jan 3 2023 Share

A total of 1,202 persons in Marsa were charged with prostitution and loitering over the past three years, The Malta Independent revealed via police crime records sources. 

Source from the National Police System (NPS) and the Local Enforcement System (LES) revealed the statistics regarding prostitution starting from 2020 up until this point.  

In 2022, 664 persons were charged in Marsa up until the 30th of November. In 2021, 519 persons were charged with both prostitution and loitering in the same locality. 

Only 19 individuals were charged with prostitution in 2020, but 519 were charged in 2021, indicating a massive increase. 

The Malta Independent also revealed that there were significantly less people charged for the same crime in Hamrun and Gzira. 24 were charged with prostitution over 3 yeas in Hamrun, with 19 being charged in 2022. 

Just 4 were charged in 2021, with one individual charged for prostitution in 2020 in Hamrun. 


Source: The Malta Independent

Our Lady of Sorrows shrine wall destroyed due to renovation

Our Lady of Sorrows shrine wall destroyed due to renovation
Jan 3 2023 Share

A post shared by the Sliema Local Council’s Facebook page revealed that the shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows was taken down due to a renovation project. 

‘During the renovation project by St Joseph School which extends towards Tower Lane has seen the unfortunate destruction of a wall which for many years held [the] shrine’ the post explained.

The council said that this act is ‘deplorable’ and has called upon the respective authorities to take action so as to ‘have this wall and its shrine replaced as soon as possible.’ 


Maltese politicians reimagined by local AI creator

Maltese politicians reimagined by local AI creator
Jan 3 2023 Share

Following the recent uploads showing us what Malta would look like in 2023, with literal futuristic shuttles zooming through the island’s streets, malta_ai set their sights on local politicians.


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First off were Prime Minister Robert Abela and Opposition leader Bernard Grech as Avengers Iron Man and Captain America respectively.

This was followed by statues of late former Prime Ministers Duminku Mintoff and Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici in stills reminiscent of the Lincoln Memorial.

Next up was followed up by portraits of former Prime Ministers Eddie Fenech Adami and George Borg Olivier. AI has already taken the world by storm, with the AI Avatar trend literally filling up Instagram feeds as everyone wanted to see what they themselves looked like through an AI lens.

What do you make of these?
