Malta’s Life Network Foundation has claimed that 20,000 people took the streets of Valletta on Sunday ‘to give a voice to babies without a voice’ in a pro-life march in Malta’s capital city.
In what can be considered as one of the largest protests in recent Maltese history, a considerable mass of protestors congregated in Castille Square, plastering a large poster of a newborn baby atop Castille’s steps, amongst other placards.
A video sent to Malta Daily shows the protestors march from Castille to Republic Street, holding placards withs statements like ‘Le għall-abort’ (no to abort), ‘Afda fl-esperti’ (trust the experts) and ‘Aħna favur il-ħajja’ (we are in favour of life), amongst others.
Amongst other speakers, Life Network Foundation CEO Dr. Miriam Sciberras and President Emeritus Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca were in attendance.
Meanwhile, pro-choice organisation Doctors for Choice has remained active online in their campaign in favour of the proposed amendments, publishing a post on Monday highlighting how the people attending the march, namely a nun holding a ‘Żomm l-abort barra minn Malta’ placard, should not be the decision-makers.