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200 new nurses to be hired to help with COVID-19

Nov 3 2020 Share

In yesterday’s parliamentary address, Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne announced that 200 new nurses will be hired in the coming months to help with the struggle against COVID-19. 

This is in addition to the 200 already-established nurses who began this year. Fearne praised Malta’s healthcare workers and illustrated the effort being made by these individuals who work extra hours and share their emotions with patients.

Malta currently stands at 1,937 active cases with 66 registered deaths.

LIVE | Diskors mid-Deputat Prim Ministru u Ministru għas-Saħħa Chris Fearne dwar il-miżuri tal-Baġit 2021 għall-qasam tas-Saħħa.

LIVE | Diskors mid-Deputat Prim Ministru u Ministru għas-Saħħa Chris Fearne dwar il-miżuri tal-Baġit 2021 għall-qasam tas-Saħħa.

Posted by saħħa on Monday, November 2, 2020


The latest AI model can tell if Your Cough Is Covid

Nov 2 2020 Share

Even if a coronavirus patient has no obvious signs, their cough typically sounds slightly different from the cough of a healthy person due to the effect of the virus on the lungs and vocal cords of patients.  

In order to design an algorithm that listens to these subtle variations, which are normally inaudible to the human ear, MIT scientists used artificial intelligence. According to a study which looked at thousands of user-submitted forced cough recordings over the spring, their model correctly identifies coronavirus patients 98.5 percent of the time, and it is accurate 100 percent of the time when patients are asymptomatic.

Travis Scott Deactivates his Instagram Account

James Charles lands Vogue cover

Nov 2 2020 Share

James Charles tweeted an image, which he later revealed is one of two covers, “I’m on the cover of Vogue” I can’t even believe this is true and can’t wait for you guys to be able to read the whole issue. The influencer revealed that later this week the other cover will debut. The first magazine has the cover line of “The Beauty of Imperfection.” He had teased the cover with a Halloween post calling it “one of the most exciting announcements of my entire life.”
