During today’s conference addressed by Deputy Prime Minister & Health Minister Chris Fearne & Superintendent for Public Health Prof. Charmaine Gauci, it was revealed that 182,000 booster jabs have already been administered in Malta.
This accounts for 41% of Malta’s adult population, with 20% of residents aged between 25 and 29 having received their booster jab. As of Monday December 27, anyone aged 18 and over will start receiving invitations to receive their booster, with Fearne expressing the authorities’ trust in the jab and its efficacy against the Omicron variant. Booster doses can be registered from vaccin.gov.mt.
During today’s conference, the Health Minister also highlighted that vaccine certificates will be valid up to 3 months from the second dose and up to 9 months after receiving the booster dose. As of Monday January 17, most establishments can only be accessed upon presentation of a valid vaccine certificate.H
Have you received your booster dose yet?