The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry has stated its concerns on the current quarantine period for individuals who contract COVID-19 and their contacts, stating that it is unsustainable for the economy.
In a recent statement, the Chamber said that isolation should be reduced ‘to 10 days, and to 7 days for fully vaccinated contacts.’ The Chamber believes that a reduced period may motivate people to take their booster and comply with quarantine periods, especially when contact tracing and enforcement are being overwhelmed within the current conditions.
Businesses providing essential services will be unable to operate uninterruptedly within the current climate and companies that cannot shift to remote working such as manufacturing will experience major disruptions.
The Chamber also highlighted that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a press release stating that quarantine period should be shortened from 10 to 6 days for asymptomatic people, with several other countries following suit and reducing their quarantine period.
What do you make of this?