
12th edition of the President’s Solidarity Fun Run kicks off with a twist!

Thousands participate in the 12th edition of the President’s Solidarity Fun Run
Nov 21 2021 Share

The 12th edition of the President’s Solidarity Fun Run kicked off today at 10am with a twist. This year’s fun run will take place in separate towns and cities all across Malta due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the health restrictions in place.

Despite this, the fun run still aims to help those in need, with President George Vella expressing his satisfaction in a social media post that thousands will be participating in the wonderful initiative. 

‘My wife Miriam and I will be part of the people and other leaders of Malta in order to raise the necessary funds for the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation and have a wonderful time together. 


Photo Source: Newsbook

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1 out of 10 Maltese have diabetes despite not many knowing about it

One out of 10 Maltese have diabetes despite not many knowing about it
Nov 21 2021 Share

One in every 10 adults in Malta suffer from diabetes, statistics from the Diabetes Centre show. The Centre’s head Professor Stefan Fava said that despite this, the majority of these people are not even aware of this problem. 

Speaking to TVM after addressing a national conference against the disease, he said that if a person eats too many fatty foods and sweets without exercise, the person is placing their health at massive risk. He highlighted how healthy foods need to be more accessible even for those without financial means. 

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It is estimated that there are 40,000 persons in Malta with diabetes, with the doctor saying that the fact that we have 10% of persons suffering from it gives Malta one of the highest rates among the adult population. 

One of the major causes of diabetes is obesity, with Prof Fava stressing that those reducing obesity are assisting in the fight against the condition. He said that the state needs to do its utmost to control such a problem as this costs the government millions of euros annually. 


Photo Source: MedTech Europe

€1,500 fine for woman who attacked Eve Borg Bonello on Facebook

€1,500 fine for woman who attacked Eve Borg Bonello on Facebook
Nov 21 2021 Share

A woman who left a ruthless comment on Facebook against PN activist Eve Borg Bonello has been fined €1,500.

She also received a six month prison sentence suspended for four years after posting the comment aimed at the head of youth branch Team Start. Bonello revealed that she sought justice through the court system as she felt that such behaviour is unacceptable. 

The comment was posted on the activist’s social media after she gave a speech during a 2019 protest which took place after Yorgen Fenech’s arrest. 

The activist had, during her speech, accused former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat of stealing her future. Bonello, who was 16 at the time, reported the woman to the police. She was found guilty of issuing threats and hate speech. 

Another man was given a conditional discharge and fined a total of €300 after he left a comment on her social media saying she should ‘take a mug of chamomile tea and not wake up.’ 

‘These people will never win, they will never silence us, I’m staying in our country and continuing our fight for justice until my last breath.’


Photo Source: Eve Borg Bonello FB

1500 trees to be planted and 750 tonnes of rubbish collected

1500 trees to be planted and 750 tonnes of rubbish collected
Nov 21 2021 Share

Around 1,500 trees are set to be planted after a massive clean up collected upwards of 750 tonnes of rubbish. 

This green initiative follows the Parks Malta Cleaning Campaign, which saw Parks Malta working together with several entities, local councils and other groups to clear various valleys around Malta over the last couple of months. 

Two trees were to be planted for every tonne of waste collected, meaning that more than 1500 trees will be planted across different valleys due to the massive clean up success. 

With Mosta’s Wied il-Ghasel bringing the initiative to an end, Sustainable Development Minister Miriam Dalli thanked all the participants for the effort and time dedicated. 


Photo Source: Parks Malta, Sostenibilita