115,000 Maltese people got data hacked through Facebook leak

115,000 Maltese people got data hacked through Facebook leak
Apr 5 2021 Share

A Business Insider report claims that 533 million Facebook users had their personal data and phone numbers leaked online by  a low level hacking forum user. Times of Malta identified 115,366 of these as being Maltese, meaning that more than a fifth of the island’s population fell prey to this leak. The information was uploaded for free on the hacker’s forum.

The Business Insider report states that the personal data leaked included phone numbers, Facebook IDs, full names, locations, birth dates and biographies. Malta was among the worst affected in the EU, at 23% of the population. Other EU countries also suffered, with Italy at 59%, Netherlands at 31% and France at 29% among others.


Woman who wed under drug influence gets marriage annulled

Woman who wed under drug influence gets marriage annulled
Apr 5 2021 Share

A woman who allegedly married a man who she never met before and also whilst under the influence of drugs had her marriage annulled by a family court. Having married through civil ceremony in 2002, Times of Malta reports that the wedding was arranged by a friend who also introduced her to the man at the registry in Valletta.

The two went their own separate ways after the wedding but met a few days later when the husband asked the woman to accompany him to the Immigration Office to apply for citizenship. The woman was seeking annulment in order to get married with the man she is currently with and with whom she has a son. The woman has reportedly overcome her drug addiction but requires the annulment to marry her current partner. The previous husband’s last track record was in 2011 before leaving Malta for Egypt.


UK citizens getting 2 free rapid tests per week

UK citizens getting 2 free rapid tests per week
Apr 5 2021 Share

People in the UK will be given two free rapid tests per week as part of a measure to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic. With some of these tests being delivered by post, the results these tests produce are given within half an hour and will also be available in several testing centres and pharmacies.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated that non-essential shops are to reopen as of the 12th of April, along with the removal of measures being in the plans. The goal of these measures is, according to the UK’s health authorities, to mitigate the spread as these restrictions are set to be removed.


‘Green Your Building’ project extended by a month

‘Green Your Building’ project extended by a month
Apr 4 2021 Share

Malta’s Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning Aaron Farrugia took to Facebook to urge families and those who wish to partake in business to join in the Green Your Building project in order to increase greenery on our island. The Green Your Building scheme covers all the expenses required for homeowners who have installed vertical gardens on facades or walls of their residences and any repairs to front gardens.

Inħeġġeġ lill-familji u dawk li għandhom negozju, biex ikunu parti minn dan il-proġett nazzjonali li permezz tiegħu li…

Posted by Aaron Farrugia on Saturday, 3 April 2021

The application for the scheme has been extended by one month to 7th May. 90 applications have been received so far, as the Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning told TVM. It also consists of a requested expenditure of nearly €750,000.
