In a heartwarming show of solidarity, 11-year-old cancer survivor Luca Piccione, alongside his parents, Roberta and Raymond, took on an ambitious project to aid the charity Puttinu Cares. The Piccione family, joined by 70 volunteers, including families navigating the challenges of childhood cancer, underwent a labor-intensive process of preparing 4200 Maltese ftira.
The preparation kicked off at midnight, marking the start of a tireless effort by all involved. Despite the exhaustive work, Luca and his parents were seen with bright smiles, proud to contribute to such a meaningful cause.
Their endeavour is in support of the Puttinu Cares fundraising marathon, an event that has become a beacon of hope amongst the local community. Set to take place on Good Friday, the Puttinu Cares marathon maintains its yearly commitment to assist children with cancer and their families.
The Picciones, deeply moved by their own experiences, are not just participants but are deeply involved in the telethon, hoping to inspire others through their actions.
The family’ dedication serves as a poignant reminder of the difference collective efforts can make in the lives of those facing profound challenges.