Shockingly, 20.4% of individuals aged 18 to 74 experienced stalking, with a higher rate among females (25.2%) compared to males (16.1%).
Notably, 3.3% of individuals endured stalking before the age of 15. Male perpetrators were responsible for stalking in 14.6% of cases, while 3.6% involved female perpetrators.
Alarmingly, 76.3% of stalking victims did not report their experiences to the Police. These findings underscore the prevalence of stalking and the reluctance of victims to report incidents, reflecting broader concerns regarding GBV.
The data, collected by the NSO, emphasizes the urgency for comprehensive measures to address stalking and GBV, ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals in Malta.
This data was collected by the NSO for the Survey on Safety and Well-Being, concerning Malta in 2022, mirroring the EU-Gender-Based Violence Survey (EU-GBV), to assess gender-based violence (GBV) prevalence and characteristics.